The Land, Planning and Development Federation (LPDF) formed in early 2018 and is a collection of the UK’s leading land promotion and residential development businesses
LPDF members specialise in the promotion and development of strategic land across the UK, delivering a wide range of sites from small scale sites (30 new homes or more) to larger scale sites of up to 10,000 new homes. These are delivered alongside community facilities, employment space, environmental enhancements and supporting infrastructure.

Housing is one of the most pressing political issues and is at the centre of the government’s domestic policy agenda
Central government, local authorities, charities and other parties involved in the housebuilding process agree that we need to work together to tackle the housing crisis by increasing the supply, diversity and quality of new homes coming forward.
Our ambition is to enhance and shape the current debate on housing supply. The LPDF works with a wide range of governmental and industry stakeholders to find ways to improve the planning system, so the future for those searching for new homes is a brighter one.

The LPDF works to dispel the myths and misconceptions around the role that land promoters and developers play in delivering new housing by highlighting the expertise and track record of our members
The role land promoters play in the delivery of housing, infrastructure and entire new communities is often misunderstood, and their voice has been underrepresented.
Land promoters play a crucial role in increasing the supply of housing in the UK, using their financial resources, experience and planning expertise to deliver land with planning permission, ready for developers to build out. Land promoter now deliver a significant proportion of all new sites with planning permission to both SME and larger housebuilders.
Land promoters undertake the technical, planning and design work necessary to make a site an attractive and viable development proposition
A significant proportion of all work on pre-application sites is carried out by land promoters.
This approach makes a substantial, positive difference to the UK’s supply of housing.
A significant proportion of homes on sites above 1,000 homes have had a specialist land promoter promoting the site for development and the number of sites greatly exceeds those promoted by large housebuilders or public sector bodies.

Yet, despite this decisive role, the national debate on housing has repeatedly failed to recognise the importance of land promotion in the planning system. Criticism is also aimed at land promoters for negatively impacting the speed of delivery but research has show that where a land promoter has been involved, delivery of units on the ground is undertaken at a much greater pace.